(LOS ANGELES – May 12, 2014) — Kevin/Ross Public Relations has won two national awards of excellence for infographics it created on behalf of Loma Linda University Medical Center and Clear Vision Information Systems. The awards were presented by Healthcare Marketing Report, which sponsors the healthcare industry’s oldest, largest and most widely respected healthcare advertising awards.
Both awards took home honors in the “new media” category, which recognizes the proliferation of online communication and other creative outlets through which organizations can share information and tell their stories. Infographics allow for the attractive use of visual representations, rather than merely words, to convey often complex information, data or knowledgequickly and clearly.
The infographic that Kevin/Ross produced for Loma Linda highlights the efficacy of proton therapy in successfully treating cancer and allowing people to return to a comfortable quality of life. Loma Linda opened the world’s first hospital-based proton therapy facility in 1990 and since that time has treated more proton patients – more than 17,500 − than any other facility in the world. Clear Vision Information Systems’ infographic depicts the state of chronic disease of older Americans and how healthcare providers can more effectively and efficiently care for these conditions. According to the infographic two-thirds of Medicare beneficiaries have two or more chronic conditions, and $3 out of every $4 spent on healthcare is the result of these ailments.
“While infographics in one form or another have technically been around for nearly 400 years, the proliferation of online sharing through sites like LinkedIn, Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter has allowed for individual infographics to be spread among many people around the world,” said Kevin/Ross President Ross Goldberg. “Particularly in an industry such as healthcare, which can get bogged down in jargon and medical terminology, infographics are an effective way to convey important information in a format that people find understandable and fun to read.”