There is no shortage of PR advice floating around the internet. Some of these tips are guiding principles that most PR pros adhere to, while others are little more than the flavor of the month. When you cut through it all, there are fundamental truths that can dramatically shape a PR program … or a career. The Kevin/Ross team recently sat down and discussed the best PR advice we’ve ever received. Below are some words of wisdom that we are happy to pass along:

Know your audience.  “Whether you’re developing programs, writing copy or working with the media, be sure to position your communications with your specific audience in mind while incorporating your client/product/service’s messages,” said Sandra Levy, account supervisor at KRPR. “Throughout my career I have seen too many examples of generic messaging or messaging that misses the target – and then companies are surprised when their communication is neither well received nor successful. Also, be transparent and authentic in your communications as that’s the voice that is most trusted and ultimately will serve you and your clients well.”

With social, choose wisely.  “When it comes to social media, quality over quantity is key, so be picky about what you share,” said Lauren Kirkpatrick, digital marketing strategist at KRPR. “Publish consistently, but only share quality information with which your audience will want to engage.”

Check your toolbox.  “The best PR advice I’ve ever received is to reassess the tools you keep in your PR tool box on a regular basis,” said Lisa Jurado, communications manager at KRPR. “This is especially true when it comes to the technology used to distribute press releases or manage media databases. Technologies are constantly changing and being upgraded. Reviewing these services and embracing new offerings can keep you at the top of your game.”

It’s not enough to be right.  “A college professor once told me that when it comes to PR messaging it is not enough to be right; you must also  seem  to be right,” said KRPR President Ross Goldberg. “Let the lawyers argue on legal grounds, but our job involves public perception; and that makes his advice something to always keep in mind whether responding to a crisis, speaking with employees or framing ongoing messaging to help build an organization’s brand and name recognition.”

Speak up.  “When I was first starting out in PR I worked with someone* who told me that it was imperative to always bring your best thinking to the table. If you don’t, it’s like you are stealing from the company … because in PR we get paid to think,” said Michelle, vice president at KRPR. “This advice has guided my entire career. If I have concerns about how a program or campaign will be perceived, I speak up. I’m not afraid to share an unpopular opinion. I’m more concerned about the success of the program.”   (*Thanks for that advice, Ross!)